Not many people know that what we call mushrooms are actually fruit bodies, this means the plants of the mushrooms are under the earth or inside the three. The plants of mushrooms is called mycelium.
Nutritional system scheme
Important to collect the fruitbodies is rotate without cut the stalk.
Only after you callected the mushrooms you can cut and polish the fruitbody using the special knife for mushrooms like the knife that I show in the following figure.
There are a lot of different brands that sell knife for mushrooms made in different materials like wood, plastic and different shape.
Once have callected the fruitbody it's really important put it inside of one basket open to to ensurethe dispersion ofspores in the environment. In this way you can ensure the riproduction of the species.
Reproductive cycle
Some example of spores
There are a lot of baskets with different shapes and materialsthat are utilized around the world.
let's have a look of some of them:
Vimini close with tessue like backpack
Open in vimini vith possibility to cover with tessue
If you look on the web you can discover that mushrooms bacame part of the life of people around the world, but why some people decide to make mushroom's tattoo?
The answer to this question is simple like articulate, mushrooms are present in the life of milions of people around the world.
Mushrooms are appreciated for different reason, for exaple:
mushrooms especially in the past are considered misteriouses
in the oriental culture people use mushrooms like medicine
for occidental people mushrooms are siply appreciated for the taste in fact in the last years many restaurants used them in a lot of dishes.
some species of mushrooms are used like drug because their allucinogenous properties.
For some people like me, mushrooms are siply amazing and I love them just beacuse their wonderful and various aspects. They have a power to colonize almost all place in the world. They give me company all the time that I walk in some places. I couldn't immagine a world without mushrooms.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Spring in Italy: time to looking for Hygrophorus marzuolus
Some info about Hygrophorus marzuolus (Fr.) Bresn:
Hygrophorus marzuolus known in Italy by the common name of "Marzuolo" or "Dormiente", is a popular and edible species.
Cap: 3-10 (15) cm in diameter, at first with the hemispheric margin convoluted, then plan early and finally depressed with scalloped edge, uneven, lumpy due to the growth sunk into the ground. Gray in color, sometimes faded and mottled with lighter areas or whitish, rarely with shades of ocher, then leaden, blackish, thin cuticle, separated in a very partial manner, depending on the humidity, a little slippery or dry, non-translucent .
Gils sometimes slightly curved, slightly dense, thick, interspersed with small gils, white then gray and blackish also from the bottom, edge clearer.
Stalk: 5-8 × 2-4 cm, thick, firm and stout, cylindrical, more or less curved and irregular in shape, and white pruinose towards the apex, striated fibrils and elsewhere, it becomes more ashen at the bottom.
Meat: Abundant, hygrophanous, a little fibrous. Grayish white with shades under the cuticle and towards the edge of the hat. Low odor, sometimes unpleasant in mature specimens. Sweet and delicate flavor.
Habitat: It grows in groups in the mountains under conifers and in particular Spruce, Spruce and Pine. It can also be found in mixed forests, with the presence of Spruce (Picea Abies) and/or Pine (Pinus nigra) along with oak, chestnut (Castanea stativa) and beech trees, rarely even under sun hardwoods. The period of growth, end of winter, when the snow starts to melting until the end of May. Exceptionally we can find it in the Autumn season, when climatic conditions are the optimal, usually first its grows in the mountains and later in the lower areas and temperate. It posiible harvers in limited sites of the entire peninsula but its usually abundant and always present in the sites .
Edibility: It is generally one of the best edible italian species, highly regarded and sought after, and his precocity, the fragrant and never cloying flavor of its flesh is firm and compact, make Marzuolo one of the best mushrooms and even more versatile from a gastronomic point of view.
This video show how is possible harvest this amazing mushroom species typical of the beginning of spring. My friend Antonio from Florence is walking in the forest with a lot of snow looking for these amazing mushrooms.