Thursday, 6 June 2013

Hi, I will introduce famous mushroom snack in Japan (Written by Noine Terra)

Hi, there.
My name is Noine Terra, I am blogger who is writing about Japanese Pop Culture!
I am guest writer of Fedelico's Mushroom blog.

I would like to introduce fancy Japanese Mushroom snacks!
It is called "Kinoko-no-Yama", please see the variation shown on below;
Here is actual photo of snack, so cool!

Kinokonoyama, White tea flavoured

Kinokonoyama, Tasty mint flavour
Kinokonoyama, Niigata area limited version.

This is very famous snack in Japan, every Japanese knows it.
If you want one, ask it to Japanese to buy one in Japan or Japanese food shop!
If you love Mushrooms so much, you can just be a Mushroom!
You can even buy musroom costume in Japan.
But please do not ask Japanese above costume to buy in Japan!
They will confuse about you XD
Thanks for reading.
Written by Noine Terra.  My blog is shown on below URL;

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Fedelico to write so cute stuffs to my blog!
    Please see my blog about mushroom fashions!!/2013/06/clothes-and-mushrooms-accessories-post.html
