Thursday, 6 June 2013

The mystery of the "Circles of the witches"

Not many people know about the "Circles of the witches" and probably this show is one of the most fascinating natural phenomenon.
According to the prevailing scientific theory, the phenomenon is due to mycelium, , which once formed, tend to propagate through peripheral terminations forming a circle.
At the center of the earth remains barren, because the mycelium decomposed and emptied by the nutrients is a toxic element for the grass to grow
Outside life runs and spreads and the grass is usually more green because tha presence of big quantity of nutrients produced by the mycelium.

Widens over time, as long as the work of man or natural events, it does not stop it from spreading.

Some circles of witches, visible above the plane, with a diameter of over 70 meters, in the United States, it is claimed that more than one hundred years.
The most fascinating thing is to watch the mushrooms grow in this fertile area where the grass is more green. muashrooms create a circle that especially in the past was really difficult to understand and for this reason origin of a lot of stories and legends.


In the Middle Ages, for example, it was said that the grass so regularly distributed in a circle, this grass was haunted and for this reason not grazed by animals.

Shakespeare in "The Tempest"explicitly mentioned the "Circles of the witches".

He quoted them attributing the phenomenon to passages and night dances, of goblins, elves and fairies of the woods.


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